


篇文章中,我. 公司权力和章程

第一节. newbb电子平台董事会, 法人团体和政治团体, 根据《newbb电子平台》第3337章,特制定本章程,以规范其活动.

第二节. 不得制定附例, 修改, 或废除, except by a vote of a majority of the members (5 votes) of the Board authorized to vote, and then only after thirty (30) days notice of a proposed change has been given to all members. 

第三节. 董事会由九名受托人及两名学生受托人组成, all appointed by the governor of the State of Ohio in accordance with 第三节337.俄亥俄州修订法典第01条. 董事会还应包括两名国家受托人, 一名地区受托人, and the chair of the newbb电子平台 Alumni Association Board of Directors or his or her designee. One national trustee shall be appointed by the Board for a term of one year beginning on July 1, 2010. One national trustee shall be appointed by the Board for a term of three years beginning on July 1, 2010. 此后,两名国家理事任期为三年. The regional trustee shall be appointed by the Board for an initial term beginning in October, 2021年,6月30日结束, 2024. 此后,区域受托人任期为三年. 

第四节. The nine trustees appointed by the Governor shall hold voting privileges. 两位学生理事, 两位国家受托人, 地区受托人, and the chair of the newbb电子平台 Alumni Association Board of Directors may not vote on Board matters, but their opinions and advice will be actively solicited and welcomed in Board deliberations.

第二条. 董事会成员

第一节. 董事会的高级职员如下:

  1. 椅子
  2. 秘书
  3. 财务主管

第二节. 主席应主持董事会的所有会议, 除非董事会另有指示, shall have the authority to appoint members of and to fill vacancies on all standing and 特殊的 committees. 他或她将担任执行委员会主席. 受本章程约束, 他或她应确定所有定期的日期和时间, 特殊的, 紧急会议, and perform such other duties as may be pertinent to the office of the 椅子.

第三节. 的副, 在主席缺席或无行为能力的情况下, 应承担主席的职责和义务.

第四节. The 秘书 shall keep minutes of all Board meetings and shall promptly distribute copies to all Board members. 他或她应负责有序地保存与董事会业务有关的所有记录,并应履行办公室惯常或主席或董事会行动指定的所有其他职责.

第五节. The 财务主管 shall be responsible for the fiscal management of the University, 包括支持预算编制, 准备所有官方要求的财务报告, 投资管理, 与审核员协调审核工作, 包括联邦和州审计员, 监督与财务报告机构的关系, and all other financial responsibilities generally or specifically assigned by the Board or the President.

第三条. 选举高级人员

第一节. The 椅子, 副, 秘书, and 财务主管 shall be elected annually by the Board.

第二节. 主席和副主席的任期均为一年,并可连任. The 秘书 and the 财务主管 shall be eligible for annual election to these offices without a yearly limitation.

第三节. 在官员职位空缺的情况下, the Board shall elect a 成功or from among its members to serve the remainder of the vacant term.  

第四条. 总统和总统职责

第一节. On the basis of mutual good faith and any contractual relationship pointing to continuous service, 大学校长根据其就业协议的条款,每年选举产生.

第二节. 董事长应出席董事会的所有会议,并应, 以顾问的身份, 在审议中有发言权吗. He or she shall have the authority to initiate any subject at Board meetings.

第三节. The President shall be responsible to the Board for the administration and discipline of the University.

第五条. 会议

第一节. 定期会议. 董事会每年应举行不少于五(5)次例会, with the date and time fixed in accordance with the provisions of 第二条. 第二节.

第二节. 特别会议和紧急会议. 特别会议和紧急会议可应主席的要求或三(3)名董事会成员向秘书提出的书面请求举行.

第三节. 会议通知. 秘书应在所有定期会议和特别会议至少提前五天通知所有董事会成员和总裁,并在所有紧急会议至少提前一天通知所有董事会成员和总裁. Public notice of all meetings shall be given in accordance with the requirements of Revised Code 第一节21.22. Any person may determine the time and 的地方 of all regularly scheduled meetings and the time, 的地方, and purpose of all 特殊的 meetings by contacting University Communications and Marketing or on the internet at http://www.OHIO.edu/trustees/.

第四节. 出席. 根据《newbb电子平台》第3条的规定,董事会的政策是要求全员出席董事会和委员会的所有会议.17和3345.82. Excuses for absence from meetings shall be communicated to the 秘书 at least two (2) days before meetings. Persistent unreasonable absences in violation of Ohio law shall be cause, 由主席决定, for reporting such delinquency to the appropriate authority of the State of Ohio.

第五节.  远程出席. 根据修订法典第3345条.82, 受托人可透过电子通讯方式出席董事会会议, 须符合下列规定:

  1. A trustee shall attend in person at least one-half of the regular meetings of the Board annually; and
  2. All meetings conducted using electronic communication shall meet the following minimum standards:
    1. 出席会议的受托人应当有三分之一以上的人亲自出席会议; 
    2. When any voting trustee attends the meeting via electronic communication, all votes taken at the meeting shall be taken by roll call vote; and
  3. 受托人如有意以电子通讯方式出席会议,必须在会议召开前不少于一星期通知主席该意向, 除非有紧急情况, 由主席决定.

受托人如以电子通讯方式出席会议,将被视为出席会议.  A voting trustee will also be counted for purposes of establishing a quorum, 并可在会议上投票.  就本节而言, “电子通讯”指的是现场直播, audio-enabled沟通, 如第3345条(A)节中进一步定义.修订法典第82条.

第六节. 法定人数和表决. 五名受托人由总督委任, (the “Voting Trustees”) shall constitute a quorum for the conduct of the ordinary business of the Board. 选举或罢免董事长须经六名有表决权的受托人的赞成票,通过董事会的任何其他决议或行动须经五名有表决权的受托人的赞成票.

第七节. 议程. 秘书应与各常设委员会主席协商,然后为每次例会准备拟议议程. 提议的议程应提交总裁审阅,然后提交董事会主席最终批准.

第六条. 常设委员会和特别委员会

第一节. 董事会常务委员会, 由不少于三(3)人组成的, shall be appointed annually or for longer terms by the 椅子 of the Board, 各常设委员会应就下列各项政策事项进行审议,并提出建议,供董事会采取行动:

  1. 学术与学生成功
    1. Responsibilities will include the academic plan; enrollment management; student affairs and life; intercollegiate athletics; diversity; 研究 and technology transfer policies and activities; information technology; communications and marketing; academic appointments; promotion and tenure policies and procedures; academic program reviews; and awarding of degrees. Responsibilities also include providing oversight for educational quality and engagement, 学生通过复习课程获得成功, 认证, and efforts to create a culture of continuous improvement in student outcomes. 委员会还将审查质量指标和证据, 成功, 以及告知董事会有关治理的决策的可负担性, 政策与策略.
  2. 审计与风险管理
    1. Responsibilities will include the oversight of the internal audit functions, 财务运作的年度或其他定期审计, the recommendation of the appointment of an external audit firm to the 校董会, the receipt of the reports of the internal auditor and the external audit firm, 以及大学的问责制和合规程序. 职责还包括评估并向董事会报告与大学教学长期实施有关的企业风险, 研究, 服务使命, 包括但不限于安全风险, 财产保全, 大学和董事会的政策, 财政的完整性, 战略计划, and the necessary and proper conduct of the University’s business and affairs.
  3. 治理与薪酬
    1. Responsibilities will include the recommendation of general governance policies and procedures, the nomination of Board officers and recommendation of candidates for future trustees and national trustees. 在每个财政年度的最后一次会议上, 委员会应审查本章程,以确定是否有适当的更改,并应向校董会建议任何此类更改. 职责还包括协助并向董事会提出有关人力资源和高管薪酬计划以及高级领导职位战略的建议. The Committee will also report to the Board respecting the effectiveness of executive compensation, 好处, performance management; and the Committee may further report to the Board on these issues as they relate to other University compensation and human resources plans.  The Committee is also responsible for the oversight of Affiliated Entities.
  4. 资源、设施和负担能力
    1. Responsibilities will include financial operations; business, organization and practices; university advancement; relations with local, 状态, and federal legislative and administrative agencies; recommending of the schedule of tuition and fees; borrowing of funds (internal and external); naming, 位置, 规划, 建设, and maintenance and renovation of University facilities and grounds; the purchase, sale and lease of lands and buildings; reviewing and monitoring of all investments including the endowment; contract oversight on public utilities and other large contracts; and recommending of investment policy, 就投资事宜及聘请投资顾问向董事会提供意见,以确保遵守经修订的守则第3345条.05. 职责还包括监督学费, 国家拨款, 捐赠基金, and annual giving; and overseeing efforts to maintain the University’s fiscal strength in order to improve student affordability and the quality of education.

第二节. 执行委员会由校董会主席及副主席、大学学术及学生成功委员会主席组成, 及大学资源, 设施, 和负担能力委员会,并有广泛权力处理董事会主席和大学校长认为不需要立即引起整个董事会关注的重要事项. All actions of the Executive Committee shall be subject to approval by the Board, 除非董事会已授权执行委员会或总裁全权代表董事会行事.

第三节. Special committees may be appointed by the 椅子 of the Board as the Board may deem necessary.

第四节. 董事会主席及主席应为所有常设委员会及特别委员会的当然无表决权成员.

第七条. 议会的权力

第一节. 在不与本附例的任何条文抵触的情况下, the Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the proceedings of the Board.














