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IT 治理 概述

The IT 治理 Cycle

IT governance encourages the best and highest use of IT resources by:

  1. Aligning IT strategy with institutional priorities.
  2. Creating clarity in how decisions are made by establishing a clearly defined, easy-to-understand framework for making those decisions.
  3. Engaging the University community in soliciting input and enacting changes to IT products and services.
The IT 治理 Cycle follows four phases through each fiscal year: input, 合成, 决定, 和基金.

The process follows an annual cycle that starts with data and feedback from the University community and ends with strategic, funded decisions about what OIT should and shouldn't be doing in the near- and long-term. Feedback is captured through open membership Advisory Communities that meet on a regular basis to discuss specific IT products and OIT Product Managers 谁创建 路线图 for each of their products. Standing Committees, composed of appointed members and chairs, establish standards and define processes for key areas that affect a variety of stakeholders. 最后, IT策略 and Investment Council, a representative group who have institutional-wide perspectives, provide oversight of the IT governance framework and informs IT investment priorities.

阶段 开始 Details
Input 7月 Solicit feedback on current IT products and future needs using tools like campus surveys, Advisory Communities, Standing Committees, topic-specific focus groups, and discussions with key stakeholders. 
合成 10月 Build an understanding of the University's needs and create or update product 路线图 and budget proposals based on those needs. 
决定 1月 Refine and validate product 路线图 and budget proposals. Make decisions about recommended investments, divestments, and major changes to IT products. 
基金 4月 Align funding with the University budget and capital planning process. Communicate strategic decisions to all stakeholders.