newbb电子程序 & 招生常见问题解答

How do I get back to my application if I partially completed but did 不 submit it?

You do 不 need to complete the application all at once; the system allows you to save and return at your convenience. 


副本 官方成绩单可以作为大多数学术课程申请材料的一部分提交. 以下是  acceptable as a transcript: Advising reports like DARS, academic records printed from your school’s website, 成绩报告, or any document that indicates it is unofficial and/or for internal use only. 包括非正式成绩单副本的文件会减慢申请的处理速度.

正式成绩单必须从颁发机构以电子方式或邮寄方式发送到研究生院, 或者用密封的信封寄给你,然后由你原封不动地转发给研究生院. Transcripts that arrive in opened envelopes are 不 official.

官方 transcripts are required as part of the application materials for some programs. 查看课程网站并查看在线申请中的课程信息,以确定您的课程是否需要申请正式成绩单.


我是newbb电子平台的学生. 我需要提交什么成绩单?

你必须在申请的学术历史部分列出所有曾经就读或目前就读的高等教育机构. 这取决于你就读院校的时间和你尝试的课程水平, it may 不 be necessary to submit a copy of an official transcript. The following transcripts are required for all degree-seeking applications: 

  • 已授予或即将授予学士学位的各院校的正式成绩单复印件.
  • 完成学士学位后就读的任何机构的正式成绩单复印件, or from which any graduate coursework was attempted, regardless of whether or 不 a degree has been or is being completed.
  • 在过去四年内所就读的任何学院或大学的正式成绩单副本,其中的学分已经或正在完成.
  • Note: Transcripts for work completed through a study abroad program are NOT required.

 If you listed newbb电子平台 as a current or prior institution, the 研究生学院 will request a copy of your 俄亥俄州 transcript on your behalf. 然而, if you did 不 list 俄亥俄州 as a prior institution, you will need to submit a copy of an official transcript.

Note: some academic programs do require transcripts from all institutions attended. 查看您申请的课程的申请要求,以确认是否需要提交所有成绩单.

How do I submit an official transcript (US institutions)?

You can submit an official transcript by mail or electronically, depending on the options provided by your school. Most institutions will have instructions online about how to request transcripts. Generally this information will be in the registrar's office or records office, but you may also find it under Alumni information.


Select newbb电子平台-研究生招生 as the recipient, if that option is available. If asked to provide an e-mail address, use graduate@俄亥俄州.edu.

Along with your name, please include your Ohio PID number on your order request.


纸质成绩单必须仍然密封在原始信封中,由发行机构发布. 邮寄地址需要包括您的全名和您的俄亥俄州PID号码和/或您的出生日期(月/日/年).


雅典,OH, 45701

How do I review To Do items in My 俄亥俄州 Student Center?

How to Access "My 俄亥俄州 Student Center" to Review "To Do" Items and Holds

  • 导航到
  • 使用俄亥俄州 ID和密码登录
  • 两人安全
  • 一旦你进入你的学生中心,你会看到保留和待办事项列表窗格.
  • To review information about Holds, click on the "details" link.
    • 在“项目列表”下, 点击项目链接并滚动到页面底部以阅读清除持有的说明.
  • To review information about To Do items, click on the item in the list.
I already submitted my application, but need to make a change to the information. Whom do I contact to make this correction?

Once your application is submitted it can不 be changed. If you need to update information such as current mailing address or email address, 请与研究生院联系 graduate@俄亥俄州.edu. Please include your PID number in all correspondence.


How do I check or update my letters of recommendation?

回到 newbb电子平台毕业生在线申请 and follow the instructions in the "Returning Users" section. 在newbb电子程序状态门户中, you can review the Checklist and see which letters have been received.

To re-send 不ification emails to your recommenders, 重新访问推荐页面, 点击“编辑”, 然后点击“发送提醒”.

I am having technical difficulties accessing My俄亥俄州学生中心. 当我尝试进入中心网页时, 我收到这个错误消息“所选的语言未为此数据库启用”.“我该怎么做才能纠正这个错误??

To correct the "the selected language is 不 enabled for this database" issue in the Mozilla browser please go to Tools > Options > Content and then click on the "Choose...按钮,旁边的语言组. Next, make sure English/United States [en-us] is the top language.


No. 报名费概不退还. 请在提交申请和支付申请费之前仔细审查你的申请.

In the event that a program is canceled due to a lack of applications, applicants will be 不ified of their options.

How long does it take for application materials to be processed?

请在研究生院收到文件后至少五(5)个工作日. During peak application periods processing can take longer. Checklist items in your newbb电子程序 Portal are updated as materials are processed.

When will I be 不ified about an admission decision?

Each graduate program has its own application review and decision-making process. 一般来说,项目在申请截止日期后不久就会进行申请审查. The 研究生学院 is 不 part of the application review process. Once a decision has been made by the academic program, it is forwarded to the 研究生学院 to be made official.

The application won't accept my credit card.

信用卡授权错误表示您提供的信用卡有问题. 您可能会看到以下消息之一:拒绝、不允许服务、无效转换或不履行

Each of these is a type of error that is sent by your card provider. For whatever reason, the bank or card provider is declining the transaction. 费用处理程序没有向我们提供有关交易失败的进一步细节.

一个常见的错误是信用卡上的姓名和/或账单地址与你在申请表上列出的姓名和/或永久地址不匹配. 仔细检查你的姓名和地址,确保与信用卡上的姓名和地址相符, 并尝试再次提交. If the error is persistent and you wish to inquire further, please contact the bank or credit card provider that issued the card.

如果您正在尝试使用属于其他人的信用卡,并且在他们的帐户上未被列为授权用户, 您可能会遇到授权错误. If you are the named card holder and your card is 不 working, 检查申请表上的永久地址是否与信用卡上的地址相符. If you continue to encounter problems, contact the bank/credit card provider.

If you are unable to resolve the authorization error, 你可以将申请费邮寄到研究生院,并收到一个管理代码,该代码将允许你提交在线申请. 请与研究生院联系 graduate@俄亥俄州.edu for additional information and instructions.


Check to see if any of these conditions apply to you.

Did you select to submit your application and pay a fee? 

在您完成所有要求的问题之前,您的申请不会被视为提交, 单击submit, 并支付相应的申请费. 您可以返回到保存的newbb电子程序,进行更新,然后提交newbb电子程序. 如果你不确定你是否提交了申请并支付了申请费,请返回到 newbb电子平台毕业生在线申请 and follow the instructions in the "Returning Users" section.


如果是这样,你会收到一份调查问卷,让你填写并交回法律事务办公室. Your application will be on hold pending the outcome of that review. 


如果是这样的话, your transcripts are being reviewed before release to the academic program. 查看申请门户中的检查表,看看是否需要额外的成绩单.

Did you indicate that you are unable to return to a prior institution? 

如果是这样的话, 查看您的newbb电子程序门户中的检查清单,查看是否要求提供其他信息.

My application is still under review, but it is too late to get an I-20. 我该怎么办??

如果你没有收到录取通知,那么申请I-20已经太晚了, you can change your requested application term. Information can be found on the following 研究生院网页.